Chad Bailey, A.P., D.C.H., Sifu, Guro
Chad is an expert in Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, Tai Chi and Martial Arts, who brings an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience to each of his sessions. He discovered the Martial Arts at an early age and began formal classes at age 12 while growing up in rural Pennsylvania. His love for eastern teachings quickly developed into a much deeper passion. Chad’s early instructors balanced self-defense training with healing teaching him shiatsu, tui na and acupressure.
He earned his Undergraduate degree at Temple University in Exercise Physiology and did his Graduate work in Oriental Medicine at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in Santa Fe, NM (D.O.M.- Doctor of Oriental Medicine). While in Philadelphia, Chad managed his instructor’s martial arts center (Master Tom Updegrove). Chad attended many various martial arts and massage seminars but specifically toured and trained with Grandmaster Remy Presas (Modern Arnis) and Ama Guro Billy Bryant (Kuntaw Silat Cadena de Mano/ Kidlat Escrima/ Sandata). He also trained extensively with George Dillman and Wally Jay, great friends of Professor Presas. The many seminars in Inosanto Kali & Silat with Guro Dan Inosanto and the few in Lameco Eskrima with Punong Guro Edgar Sulite also influenced his teaching methods.
Through traveling and research he was able to experience a wide range of fighting styles and healing techniques. He has black belts in six different styles (three 3rd degree black belts: Kenpo Karate, Cadena de Mano and Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima and Eskrido/CDP). He currently studies Nei Jia Quan (Internal Martial Arts), CDP Eskrima and Eskrido with Grandmaster Cacoy Canete, Counterpoint Tactical Systems & CDP with Master Zach Whitson and Kuntao Silat de Thouars with Bepak Willem de Thouars.
In 1992, Chad began to formulate the many types of Filipino Martial Arts that he had been exposed to into a curriculum. This curriculum needed to bring beginners naturally to intermediate level, intermediates to advanced and advanced to expert in a smooth progression. Hence, Progressive Arnis was born with Modern Arnis as its nucleus. In 2012, The World Head of Family Sokeship Council recognized Progressive Arnis and bestowed the Founder’s Award to Grandmaster Chad Bailey.
He relocated to Miami in 1995 and has been a successful physician and teacher at Shin Wellness (www.shinwellness.com), Miami Dade College and the Acupuncture and Massage College as well as local, national and international seminars. He has been organizing educational and spiritual retreats (Tempered Spirit) since 1992 to sites in the U.S., the Caribbean Islands and Central America. Chad is also a freelance writer being published in Black Belt magazine, Inside Kung-Fu, Fitness 2000, etc… He has recently completed his first book on Arnis, coming soon.
He teaches Tai Ji Quan, Qi Gong, Progressive Arnis, Cadena de Mano, Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima & Eskrido, Kuntao Silat de Thoaurs, Tui Na Massage and Oriental Medicine in Miami where he lives with his wife, Carmen and his two boys, Zayon Shea and Jared Michael. Chad is a state and nationally licensed acupuncturist as well as a national Diplomate of Chinese Herbology.